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About EURES History Partners EURES Crossborder : for who

About EURES (European Employment Services)

European Employment Services (EURES) aims to facilitate the free movement of workers within the 30 countries of the European Economic Area. Partners in the network include Public Employment Services, Trade Unions and Employer Organisations. The partnership is coordinated by the European Commission.

EURES Objectives are :

- Inform, counsel and provide advice to workers on job opportunities and living and working conditions in the European Economic Area.

- Assist employers working to recruit workers from other countries

- Provide particular advice and guidance to workers and employers in Crossborder regions

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What's New?


Le Cahier transfrontalier d'EURES Luxembourg n°3/2009 "L'anticipation des besoins emplois-qualifications dans la Grande Région" est disponible en format PDF ou en format papier sur simple !

Les fiches pratiques suivantes sont mises à jour : la pension invalidité, les prestations chômage, les accidents et maladies professionnels, les prestations familiales et l'assurance vieillesse !

Des statistiques intéressantes sur les frontaliers ? Consultez les trois derniers Cahiers transfrontaliers d'EURES Luxembourg..


Pour plus d'infos sur les droits au Luxembourg :


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Produced by: Audaxis
With the assistance from the European Union

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