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Notice : the following information regards only the nationals from the European Union or the European Economic Space.

-- > Are you posted / stationed ?
--> You are wage-earning-non stationed
--> You or your spouse perform an activity in your country of residence
--> You are unemployed
--> You are a pensioner ( (retirement pension or invalidity benefit)
--> Useful addresses

--> Are you posted/stationed ?


As far as family allowances are concerned, the wage-earner posted and the one sent on a temporary mission by his/her employer to another member State for a foreseeable period of 12 months. He/she will be affiliated to the social security regime of the origin country if the employer issues him/her an E 101 form.

Previous Requirements

You will remain affiliated to the competent institution of the origin country: you will not have to register at the State of activity.

To prove your affiliation, your employer or yourself for want (should you have no employer) will have to request a posting certificate to the competent institution of the origin country (E 101 form “Certificate relating applicable legislation”).

The competent institution shall be :

~ In Germany : the institution you are insured at. Should you not be insured, the      Bundesversicherungsansalt four Angestellte (Employees insurance Federal Office) in Berlin.

~ In Belgium :  the ONSS (Office National de la Sécurité Sociale or Social Security National Office)

In France: the CPAM (Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie or Illness Insurance Primary Fund)

~ In Luxembourg :  the IGSS (Inspection Générale de la Sécurité Sociale or Social Security General Inspection).

You will continue to benefit from the family allowances of your country of origin, if your family accompanies you, but for the non-exportable compensations (see definition following). France also grants the stationed wage-earner accompanied by his/her family, compensations for each infant of less than three months.

Note : Should you be stationed from Luxembourg and you stay declared at Luxembourg (keeping residence), you will benefit from the non-exportable compensations (see descriptions following), even if your family accompanies.


--> You are wage-earning-non stationed.

~ Your family resides with you at your employment Sate

You are insured in your employment State and you benefit from the family allowances of this state as if you were national.

~ Your family resides in another State different to your employment State.

You benefit from the family allocations foreseen by your employment State under certain conditions.


You have to fill in an E 401 form (“statement regarding the family composition”) issued by the competent Insurance Fund from the country of employment and renewable each year.

The Fund can at times ask for complementary forms :

•  An E 402 or E 403 form (statement of continuation of studies or learning), renewable every quarter.

•  An E 404 form (medical certificate), renewable once a year.

•  An E 407 form (statement of the employment or unemployment periods).

Competent funds

- Germany :  Kindergeldkasse from the Arbeitsamt of the head office of the company.
- Belgium :  Fund to which your employer is affiliated.
- France : Caisse d’Allocations Familiales of the head office of the company.
- Luxembourg : Caisse Nationale des Prestations Familiales.

Family allowances that you may perceive

You are entitled to the set of benefits, in kind and in cash, destined to compensate the family charges by virtue of the employment State.

Nevertheless, certain benefits are non-exportable as they are dependent on residence conditions. Therefore, they can not be attributed to your family members residing a member State other than your employment country.

Thus, the following benefits are non-exportable :

 - According to the German legislation : education allowance. However, a decision of the European Communities Court of Justice has qualified these allowances as exportable.

- According to the Belgian legislation:  birth allowance and adoption allowance

- According to the French legislation:

•  Allowance for infant under the age of three months
•   Adoption allowance
•  Parental education allowance

- According to the legislation of Luxembourg:

•   Prenatal allowance, birth allowance, postnatal allowance


--> Your spouse has no professional activity (is not perceiving unemployment benefits)

The payment of family allowances is first and foremost assured by your employment State.

Certain allowances are nevertheless paid by your residence State :

Residence in Germany :  Education allowance

Residence in Belgium :

•  birth and adoption allowances: payment at the moment of adoption or birth (instead of at the 7th month pregnancy when at least one parent works in Belgium).

Residence in France:

•  Adoption allowance.
•  Home child minder allowance.
•  Employment aid with maternal assistance and its overestimation.
•  Allowance for infant under three months of age.
•  Accommodation aids.
•  Allowance for adults handicapped and global aid.

Residence in Luxembourg :

•  Prenatal, birth and postnatal allowances.

Payment of a premium by certain funds:

When you reside in Germany, France or Luxembourg and the benefits from your employment country are lower to the ones paid by the residence State, you will be entitled, with the request of payment, to a premium paid by the competent fund of your residence State.

If you reside in Belgium and you work in France, you can receive a premium if you had already received family allowances in 1989. The premium will be calculated on the basis of the amount of Belgian family allowances received in 1989, without indexing them with inflation and without taking into account the family events (births) since that date.


--> You or your spouse perform an activity in your country of residence


The replacement revenues of your spouse (unemployment allowances, sick pay…) are compared to those of a professional activity. You will benefit first and foremost, family allowances from your State of residence.

However, if the amount of the allowances granted by your country of employment is higher than those paid by your residence State, your employment country will pay a complement corresponding to the difference between both amounts.


--> You are unemployed

Wether you are a cross-border worker or not, you will benefit from family allowances from the competent country for the payment of your unemployment benefits.

--> You are a pensioner (retirement pension or invalidity benefit)

Benefits foreseen

The set of family allowances except for :

• benefits for the school reopening.
•  single salary allowance foreseen by France.

Applicable legislation

• You perceive a pension according the legislation of a single State : it is this country the competent one to pay the family allowances and your country of residence no matter which one it is.

• You perceive a pension according to the legislation of different States : your country of residence is competent to grant the benefits but on the condition that the right to pension is open.

If the amount of the pensions granted by your country of residence is inferior to the one given by other States debiting pensions, you have the right to get the highest amount. You benefit then from a complement until you get the final amount.
When any pension is not due at your country of residence, these benefits will be paid according to the legislation under which you have been for the most of the time, if you have right to benefits in this State.

Should you not have right to allowances nor in the country with the legislation you have been under during the longest period, nor in your State of residence, the opening conditions for your right to family allowances will be examined in digressive order of the duration of the insurance or residence periods accomplished under the legislation of the other member States.

The allowances will depend on the State paying them.

The claim shall be addressed to the competent institution or to the institution of the State of residence which will transmit to the institution of the State where you have paid most of the contributions.

Annabelle Daniau, Juriste, CRD EURES Lorraine
Joël de Marneffe, Juriste, Coordonateur EURES Transfrontalier PEDD


--> Useful Addresses

~ Germany

Arbeitsamt Saarbrücken Kindergeldkasse
Hafenstrasse, 18
tel : 00 49 / 681 944 0
fax: 00 49 / 681 944 5000ücken/

Arbeitsamt Saarlouis Kindergeldkasse
Ludwigsstrasse, 10
tel : 00 49 / 6831 4 48 0
fax : 00 49 / 6831 4 48 105

Arbeitsamt Neunkirchen
Ringstrasse, 1
tel : 00 49 / 6821 204 0
fax: 00 49 / 6821 204 343

~ Belgium

FTS (Office National des Allocations Familiales des Travailleurs Salariés)
Rue de Trèves, 70
tel : 00 32 / 2 237 21 11 – 12
fax : 00 32 / 2 237 24 70

Rue Fleurie, 2
tel : 00 32 / 61 23 08 48
fax : 00 32 / 61 22 56 50

~ France

CAF 54 (Caisse d’Allocations Familiales)
21,  rue Saint Lambert
F-54046 NANCY Cedex
tel : 00 33 / 3 83 92 93 94
fax : 00 33 / 3 83 28 99 28

CAF 57
4,  boulevard du Pontiffroy - BP 187
F-57774 METZ Cedex 9
tel : 00 33 / 3 87 30 31 31
fax : 00 33 / 3 87 34 81 41

~ Luxembourg

Caisse Nationale des Prestations Familiales
1 A,  boulevard du Prince Henri - BP 394
tel : 00 352 / 477 15 31
fax: 00 352 / 477 15 33 28

For more information, please contact the two resources centres in the Grande Région.


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